Are Introverts fit to be Product Managers?

Take it from an introvert, the answer is NOT no.

Aonushka Aeron
Agile Insider


Let’s dive into this — first things first, the reason why the answer is not a YES or a NO but simply a NOT NO will be explained at the end of the post. So hang on tight and read on!

And now, for the map outlining this post:

Just like all the other posts on product maps, let’s keep this to the point and succinct — just how product managers like it!


Identifying yourself as an introvert is usually not just based upon your willingness or rather lack of willingness to socialize and constantly communicate your thoughts/ feelings. Rather, this identity is formulated through your way of doing things which goes beyond just communication. Hence, recognizing that introverts have numerous strengths and identifying your superstrengths outside of that helps understand that there is a bigger picture at play

The way I see it, here are my key superstrengths as an introvert (in my definition, an introvert is one who analyzes a situation deeply before making conclusions and likes to have structured thoughts before voicing or formulating an opinion):

  • Thoughtful: Mindful, present in situations
  • Self Starter: Does not need to be encouraged or forced into doing things
  • Analytical: Analyze, think, understand before speaking!
  • Valuable: Wink, wink — always adding value
  • Observant: Observe what is otherwise easy-to-miss
  • Time Management: Mindful of time and energy

How can you use these superstrengths as a PM?

Intention Setting

At the end of the day, Introverts are driven by how well they spend/ invest their energy throughout the day. Hence, mindful time and energy allocation are extremely important in order to avoid getting burnt out by the extensive amount of client meetings, daily schedule management, and meeting with different teams required.

  • Set Daily intentions for how you would purpose your day
  • Big Meetings: Set purpose, goals, and clear agenda for meetings
  • Presentations: This might make you uncomfortable given that you are not used to speaking to large audiences. However, presentations can be seen as a fun activity because usually, introverts are extremely passionate about their projects. So don’t let your shyness get in the way, instead — use your excitement to drive you and let it take over how you present your findings and the great work you have done in silence!

Effective Communication

Being an introvert does NOT mean that you are BAD at communicating your thoughts. It simply means that you are more mindful of choosing WHEN to share your thoughts and you know exactly WHERE you want to share them. However, sometimes this can come off as cold, distant, or uninterested. To ensure that your team and other stakeholders are able to understand the uniqueness you bring to the table, it is key to effectively communicate your thoughts.

  • Succinct: Finding a middle ground between how you communicate and how others like to be communicated with is to keep your thoughts and ideas succinct. As an introvert, when you finally decide to talk it’s easy to quickly lose your train of thoughts and you might have a tendency to start explaining EVERYTHING. However, instead — try to practice succinct communication to get your point across in a way that works for other PMs on your team and for yourself.
  • Audience Focused: Of course all introverts are not the same — however, it is common for introverts to be inwardly focused. And more often than not, the way an introvert expresses their ideas could be more focused towards their own self. Instead, keep the audience and stakeholders in mind whenever you talk about your thoughts and ideas!
  • Listening Skills: This is definitely one of your superpowers! Use it to your benefit and be the one who truly listens during client meetings. Other than that, this skill fits perfectly with the role of being a PM as you are essentially listening to different teams, their concerns, and their needs ALL day!
  • Thoughtful Questions: Introverts are analytical and thoughtful — using this to your benefit as a PM should come easily. Curiosity-driven PMs are usually the ones who can create the most value for the product. So, use all that analysis to ask the questions that naturally pop up in your head!
  • Value-based: Remember to ground your communication in adding value to any conversation in however small a way you can.

Energy Management

As I mentioned before, being an introvert, I have always been very mindful of how I spend my energy because it is easy to feel drained out of energy after a long day of meetings, management, and other thousand things on the mind that come naturally as someone who thinks to themselves ALL the time!

So, having energy management tools to support me has helped me be a better Product Manager while being an introvert!

  • Prioritization: Don’t try to do everything! Pick and choose
  • Schedule: Have a clear strategy of how you are going to spend your day
  • Recharge Rituals: Have something to look forward to and to refresh you!

Finally, let’s talk about Resources to be a better INTROVERT PM!

Find Quiet time for yourself, introvert definitely operates better when they are given their time and space to think and reflect. Make sure you have multiple blocks of the day booked out for personal time for reflecting upon your work, ideas, and projects. Quiet — is quite important for you to be at your optimal best self as during this time you can structure and formulate your thoughts! (Without others getting in the way)


And lastly, the answer to can introverts be PMs is NOT no because we cannot generalize and categorize the uniqueness that every human being and PM brings to the table. It not a yes, because whether being a Product Manager is a great fit for you or not relies upon a lot of other factors besides your social skills. And, it is not a no, because again, being an introvert does not instantly categorize you as a certain type of human being — it is just a trait that can be used to your benefit if you are willing to do so. Not no means that it is situational, depends, and changes from introvert to introvert 😉

Like, comment, or share if you are an introvert and I hope that you benefit your fellow introverts by sharing this post if you found it helpful!



Aonushka Aeron
Agile Insider

I am enthusiastic about creating simple mind-maps about productivity, goal achievement, and product management! 🗺️🚀